Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo

Etnološka muzeologija - vaje EKA1/E (2. in 3. letnik)

Vljudno prosim vse študentke in študente, ki nameravate v tem šolskem letu (2022/2023) opravljati vaje iz etnološke muzeologije, da se mi javite do petka, 04.11.2022, na e-mail Ursa.Valic@ff.uni-lj.si, da se dogovorimo o poteku dela. 

asist. dr. Urša Valič


International Office, Faculty of Arts

Notice of closure of the International Office

International Office, Faculty of Arts

Notice of closure of the International Office

Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

University Of Ljubljana Doctoral Students' Day

Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

University Of Ljubljana Doctoral Students' Day

Department of Art History

Change of Office Hours Katja Mahnič