Studijski programi prve stopnje

Department of Archaeology

2nd cycle Archaeology

P = Lectures; S = Seminars; V = Tutorials; D = Other forms of organized study work (practical training, observations, performances, field work, etc.); KT = ECTS credit (Credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System). 1 ECTS credit means 25 to 30 hours of student workload. Zimski = Winter; Letni = Summer; Celoletni = Full-year.

1. Year P S V D KT Semester
2nd cycle Archaeology
Archaeological methodology 4 30 0 80 0 10 zimski
Theoretical Archaeology 30 0 0 0 4 letni
Fieldwork 1 5 0 30 120 7 celoletni
Elective subjects 1 19
Elective subjects 2 15
External elective subjects 5
Elective subjects 1 P S V D KT Semester
Archaeology of Later Periods (Selected Topics) 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Archaeology of Later Periods – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 letni
Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 letni
Neolithic and Eneolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Neolithic and Eneolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Early Medieval Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Early Medieval Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Classical Archaeology (Selected Topics) 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Classical Archaeology - Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Roman Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Roman Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Elective subjects 2 P S V D KT Semester
Analyses of Materials 30 0 30 0 5 letni
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology 30 0 30 0 5 letni
Epigraphy – Selected Topics 30 0 30 0 5 zimski
Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Geophysics 30 0 30 0 5 letni
2. Year P S V D KT Semester
2nd cycle Archaeology
Master thesis 1 0 0 0 10 5 zimski
Master Thesis 2 (Defence) 0 0 0 20 25 letni
Fieldwork 2 0 10 20 0 3 zimski
Archaeological Heritage Management 20 40 0 0 5 zimski
Elective subjects 1 17
External elective subjects 5
Elective subjects 1 P S V D KT Semester
Archaeology of Later Periods – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Archaeology of Later Periods (Selected Topics) 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 letni
Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 letni
Neolithic and Eneolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Neolithic and Eneolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Early Medieval Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Early Medieval Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Classical Archaeology - Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Classical Archaeology (Selected Topics) 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
Roman Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 5 zimski
Roman Archaeology – Selected Topics 30 30 0 0 7 zimski
