Music Theory 4

Music Theory 4

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 60

Seminars: 60

Tutorials: 30

ECTS credit: 10

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Sukljan Nejc, prof. dr. Pompe Gregor, prof. dr. Vrhunc Larisa

Through an analysis of selected musical works, the lectures consist of:
• Analysing and refreshing the definitions of concepts and methods of music analysis.
• Analysing the connections and co-dependence of musical components and formal structure.
• Learning about different compositional techniques, approaches and styles after 1900.
• Learning about the particularities of personal styles of selected composers of this period.
• Identifying connections between compositional techniques and approaches of different periods.

The seminar is intended for refreshing and deepening the knowledge about musical-theoretical disciplines and elements based on actual examples. It covers a concrete study of compositional techniques of the 20th and 21st centuries with the ability to analyse works and understand them in the historical context:
• Arnold Schönberg and dodecaphony;
• Alban Berg – dodecaphony and tonality;
• sound and structure with Anton Webern;
• harmony with Paul Hindemith, Béla Bartók and Olivier Messiaen;
• serialism;
• aleatorics;
• spectral music;
• electro-acoustic music.

In tutorial, students acquire knowledge about instrumentation and orchestration (chamber ensembles with strings, chamber ensembles with wind instruments, chamber ensembles with brass instruments, symphony orchestra and some other orchestras of different periods).