Dvoumnost glotonimov: znanstvene upodobitve Juraja Križanića

Lingvistični krožek Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani vabi na 1244. sestanek, ki bo v ponedeljek, 15. aprila 2024, ob 18. uri v predavalnici 325 v 3. nadstropju Filozofske fakultete. Na temo Dvoumnost glotonimov: znanstvene upodobitve Juraja Križanića (The Ambiguity of Glottonyms: Scholarly Depictions of Juraj Križanić//Юрий Крижанич) bo predaval prof. dr. Alexander Maxwell (Victoria University of Wellington, Nova Zelandija). Predavanje bo v angleščini. 

Povzetek (v angleškem jeziku):

Scholarly depictions of Juraj Križanić/Krizhanich illustrate the problems with using glottonyms as analytical concepts. A survey of how different scholars have described Križanić/Krizhanich’s language suggests that they typically assert a series of glottonyms, defined either by ethnonyms or dialectical features. Eekman’s detailed study of vocabulary suggests no series of glottonyms can suffice. A case study of two supposedly “Ukrainian” elements in Križanić/Krizhanich’s language reveals a series of further difficulties with using glottonyms analytically. Križanić/Krizhanich’s linguistic taxonomies, analysed as part of intellectual history, suggests an unavoidable ambiguity in glottonyms themselves, linked to ambiguities in evolving national concepts. The article suggests that scholars should be wary about using ethnic glottonyms as analytical categories, and instead approach them as sites of analysis.



Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

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