Classical Archaeology 1
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Zanier Katharina
Antique (Greek, Aegean, and Near Eastern) culture from the downfall of the Mycenaean culture to the end of Hellenistic states. At the beginning special attention is given to Cretan and Mycenaean culture in the context of cultures of the eastern Mediterranean. The last large migration of Greek tribes in the centuries of the downfall of palatial culture and the occurrence of polis culture. Geography of the Greek world. Hoplite revolution of the archaic period, colonization and the main phenomena in the field of urbanism and architecture (towns, necropolises, temples, architectural orders, sculpture and painting. Gods and heroes, basics of iconography. Classical period with the leading role of Athens and political competitiveness of Sparta until the rise of the Macedonians and Hellenistic period of the new political order and territorial states with big cultural and art centres – historical topography (Athens). Novelties in the field of urbanism (functional and monumental urbanism), architectural plans, sculpting schools and workshops, and the great illusionistic painting.
Susan E. ALCOCK, Robin OSBORNE, Classical Archaeology (second edition), Oxford 2012. COBISS.SI-ID - 56818274
Clemente MARCONE (ur.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture, New York 2015. . COBISS.SI-ID - 63144290
Judith M. BARRINGER, The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece, 2014 Cambridge. COBISS.SI-ID - 69432674
John BOARDMAN (ur.), The Oxford History of Classical Art, Oxford 1993. COBISS.SI-ID - 597833
Tine GERM, Katja MAHNIČ, Monika OSVALD, Graziella MELINA, Plinij Starejši in antična umetnost. Razprave, Ljubljana 2010. COBISS.SI-ID - 249022464
Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC), I-, Zürich-München 1981–.COBISS.SI-ID - 30770432
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