Contemporary General History
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Ajlec Kornelija
The course particularly deals with the following questions: prehistory of contemporary history, the end of World War One, the revolutionary wave following it, peace treaties, the emergence of new states and social systems, characteristics of development of individual countries, especially neighbouring, characteristics of Fascism, Nazism and Communism, the Great Depression, the people’s front, division of the world into two camps that confronted one another in World War Two, crisis areas before the beginning of war, military and political events during World War Two and the resistance movements during it, the end of WWII and its consequences, UN and its role, the dissolution of the anti-fascist coalition, the Cold War, the formation of blocs, Non-Aligned Movement, crisis areas, decolonization and emergence of new countries; economic, social and cultural problem areas of the post war world after the disintegration of the Eastern bloc.
Svetovna zgodovina, Ljubljana 1981, 705 str. ID - 12019969
M. Mikuž, Svet med vojnama, Ljubljana 1966, 210 str. ID - 217089
M. Mikuž, Druga svetovna vojna, Ljubljana 1961, 140 str. ID - 2690561
M. Mikuž, Svet po vojni I. II., Ljubljana 1983, 1984. ID – 13541889 ; ID - 13542145
D. Nećak, B. Repe, Oris sodobne obče in slovenske zgodovine, Ljubljana 2003, 342 str. ID - 124319744
D. Nećak, Sodobna zgodovina – obča (Izbrana poglavja), Ljubljana 2003 ID - 20979554
Stojanović, Dubravka. Rađanje globalnog sveta 1880-2015: vanevropski svet u savremenom dobu. Beograd: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju, 2015. (V poštev prideta predvsem 2. in 3. poglavje v državah in področjih: ZDA, Japonska, Kitajska, Indija, Bližnji vzhod in Egipt. Za vsa našteta področja je dobrodošel študij tudi v obdobjih po drugi svetovni vojni). COBISS.SI-ID - 57946466
Nećak, Dušan, Božo Repe. Kriza: Svet in Slovenci od prve svetovne vojne do sredine tridesetih let. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, 2008. COBISS.SI-ID - 241564416
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