Archaeology of Later Periods 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Predovnik Katarina Katja
Settlement development in the feudal era: villages formation, castles and other fortifications, urbanization. Interconnectedness of settlement forms and structures with their economic and social contexts. Approaches current in rural settlement studies. Development of villages and field systems in the light of the evolution of the feudal social forms and economic strategies. Development of rural housing and ancillary buildings, formation of farms as architectural complexes. Medieval castle as an economic centre, lordly residence and military stronghold. Methods and approaches current in castle studies. Early castle types and the ensuing architectural development, connections between the fortification elements and the contemporary military techniques. Practical functions (residential, economic, military) and the symbolic meanings of castles. Medieval urban civilization: its roots, legal and social specifics. Archaeological criteria of urbanity. Development of architecture and urban design, communal infrastructure, economy, religious life. Social differentiation, multiethnicity and multiculturalism. Approaches current in medieval urban studies (interdisciplinarity).
GOSPODARSKA in družbena zgodovina Slovencev. Zgodovina agrarnih panog, Zv. I, Agrarno gospodarstvo. – Ljubljana: Inštitut za zgodovino, Sekcija za občo in narodno zgodovino SAZU, DZS, 1970, str./pp. 185 – 196, 225 – 250, 559 – 616. COBISS.SI-ID - 6512897
ZEUNE, J., Burgen – Symbole der Macht: Ein neues Bild der mittelalterlichen Burg. – Regensburg: Pustet, 1996. 247 str./pp. COBISS.SI-ID - 8902053
GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, James, VALOR, Magdalena (ur./eds.): The Archaeology of Medieval Europe, Vol. 1: Eighth to Twelfth Centuries AD. – Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2007, str./pp. 111-153. COBISS.SI-ID – 68640098
CARVER, Martin, KLÁPŠTĚ, Jan (ur./eds.): The Archaeology of Medieval Europe, Vol. 2: Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries. – Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2011, str./pp. 97-109, 277-287, 370-407. COBISS.SI-ID – 68640098
PREDOVNIK, Katarina: Arheološki pogledi na srednjeveško urbanost: uvod = Archaeological perspectives on medieval urbanity: An introduction. – V/In: K. PREDOVNIK, Š. KARO in M. BRICELJ (ur.), Arheološki pogledi na srednjeveško urbanost, Ljubljana: ZVKDS, 2022, str./pp 9–39. https://www.zvkds.si/sl/knjiznica/arheoloski-pogledi-na-srednjevesko-ur…
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