Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Mlekuž Vrhovnik Dimitrij, pred. Grosman Darja, prof. dr. Novaković Predrag
The course consists of three parts. In the introductory part (lectures) students learn about basic concepts, applications, and techniques of remote sensing in archaeology, digital cartography, and aerial photography. In the practical part (practice) students learn the basic skills of aerial photographic data computer processing (vertical and oblique photographs, stereo pairs), basics of digital photograph processing and locating techniques, rectification, and mapping of individual contextual and thematic segments in digital environment. The integration of spatial data is performed by GIS tools where students learn practical skills and knowledge of manipulation with data layers (reclassification, making of relief digital model, making of other thematic data layers, georeferencing, interconversion of vector and raster formats), main analytical and investigative techniques (binary maps, viewshed maps, optimal path maps, making of trend maps, statistical significant and correlation tests etc.), and combining cartographic data layers with databases. In the seminar part students independently make their own projects of aerial photographic and GIS analyses on selected examples.
1. ALLEN K.M.S., GREEN S.W. in ZUBROW E.B.W. (ur.) (1990), Interpreting Space: GIS and Archaeology. Taylor & Francis 1990. (398 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 160645635
2. KWAMME K., OŠTIR-SEDEJ K., STANČIČ Z- in ŠUMRADA R. (1997), Geografski informacijski sistemi. ZRC SAZU – Ljubljana 1997, 1-162. COBISS.SI-ID - 63512320
4. CONOLLY J., and LAKE M., Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology. Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology, Cambridge University press 2006. 338 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 31822690
5. SLAPŠAK, B. (ed.). On the good use of geographic information systems in archaeological landscape studies : proceedings of the COST G2 WG2 Round Table, Ljubljana, l8 to 20 December 1998, (EUR, COST Action G2, 19708). Luxembourg: European Communities, 2001. (155 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 15956066
6. BROPHY, K., COWLEY, D. (eds.), From the Air, Stroud: Tempus 2005. (190 str.) COBISS ID=166228995
7. MUSSON, C., PALMER, R., CAMPANA, S., In volo nel pastto, Firenze: All'Insegna dell Giglio 2005. (300 str.) https://www.academia.edu/2464156/IN_VOLO_NEL_PASSATO_Aerofotografia_e_c…
8. FARINA, A. 1998 Principles and methods in landscape ecology (London Chapman & Hall), (256 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 18747141
Barber, M., A History of Aerial Photography and Archaeology : Mata Hari's glass eye and other stories, : Mata Hari's glass eye and other stories, Swindon : English Heritage, 2011. COBISS ID=166233347
Song Baoquan, Klaus Leidorf, Ekerhard Heller, Luftbildarchäologie. Methoden und Techniken – Klassisch und Virtuell, Darmstadt: Theiss, 2019. COBISS ID=166238979