Professional Aspects of Translation
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Reindl Donald Francis
Awareness of the social role of the translator and translation work; the role of the translator in different translation situations. Knowing how express goals and demands to both clients and translation recipients; how to offer services to the translation market and an awareness of parameters affecting translation adequacy.
Students also become familiar with management of translation projects, and the related skills and tools. A project manager must be equipped to deal with issues relating to schedules, finance, human resources, technical and administrative project planning, effective use of language resources (translation memory tools, terminological databases), and communicating with clients and project team members. Translation project managers are also usually responsible for revision, verification and quality control processes. The most important software for managing translation projects will be presented (SDL Trados Synergy, MS Project) and guest translators will be invited.
1. Roger Chriss (2007) Translation as a Profession. Samozaložba.
2. eCoLoTrain – spletni učbenik http://ecolotrain.uni-saarland.de/index.php?id=1924&L=1]
3. Matis, N. (2011) Translation Project Management. Dostopno na spletu v angleščini in francoščini: [http://www.translation-project-management.com/index.html]
4. Rico-Perez, Celia (2002): Translation and Project Management. In: Translation Journal, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 2002. Dostopno na spletu: [http://www.accurapid.com/journal/22project.htm]
5. VINTAR, Špela in FIŠER, Darja. Uvajanje prevajalskega namizja Trados v delovno okolje prevajalske agencije. Mostovi (Ljublj.), 2005, letn. 39, št. 1, str. 59-70. COBISS.SI-ID – 32671586
6. VINTAR, Špela. Real-world projects in localization training. V: DIMITRIU, Rodica (ur.), FREIGANG, Karl-Heinz (ur.). Translation technology in translation classes, (Colecţia Academica, Seria Traductologie, 41). Iaşi: Institutul European, 2008, str. 160-174. COBISS.SI-ID - 37090146