History and Theory of Archaeology
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Novaković Predrag
The course discusses the history of archaeological scientific thinking and practices (from Antiquity till modern times) and fundamental epistemological questions of archaeological discipline (the object of archaeology, basic tools and their cognitive scope, archaeological practices in concrete sociohistorical contexts, contemporary conceptual apparatus). The subject is composed of three parts:
a) the history of discipline (the emergence of historical thinking in Antiquity and archaeological elements within it; mediaeval idea of history; collecting antiquities in the renaissance and the age of enlightenment as a practice and basis of knowledge about objects from the past, three-age system and typological and chronological tools; Cultural-historical paradigm; processual archaeology; post-processual and postmodern archaeology);
b) development and use of basic conceptual tools (material culture, chronology, typology, culture in archaeological interpretation, social systems, structures and changes),
c) key cultural-anthropological concepts in archaeology (theory of culture, theory of exchange, theory of kinship).
KLEJN L., Arheološka tipologija. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis 1988. (29-102, 195-332) COBISS.SI-ID - 1935874
NOVAKOVIĆ P., Archaeology in five states – A peculiarity or just another story at the crossroads of ‘Mitteleuropa’ and the Balkans: A case study of Slovene Archaeology. V: P. Biehl, A. Gramsch and A. Marciniak (Hrsg.) Archäologien Europas/Arcachaeologies of Europe; Geschichte, Methoden, Theorien, Waxman Münster/New York/München/Berlin Verlag 2002, 323-352. COBISS.SI-ID – 20825186
NOVAKOVIĆ, P. The history of archaeology in the Western Balkans, Ljubljana : Faculty of Arts (503 str.) COBISS.SI-ID – 79602691
SCHNAPP A., The discovery of the past : The origins of archaeology, London : British Museum Press 1996. (348 str.) COBISS ID=165825795
SKLENAŔ K., Archaeology in Central Europe: the first 500 years. Leicester University Press 1983. (182 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 28261218
SLAPŠAK B. in NOVAKOVIĆ P., Archaeological Tradition in Slovenia, or is there national archaeology without nationalism. V: M. Diaz-Andreu and T. Champion (eds.), Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe, UCL Press 1995, 256-293. https://www.academia.edu/16502089/Is_there_national_archaeology_without…
TRIGGER B., A history of Archaeological Thought. Cambridge University Press 1989. (1-109, 148-206, 289-328). COBISS.SI-ID - 28240226
GOSDEN C., Anthropology and Archaeology: a changing relationship. Routledge 1999. (228 str.). COBISS.SI-ID - 11662690
SAHLINS M., Ekonomika kamene dobe. Založba cf 1999. (63-130, 185-284). COBISS.SI-ID - 104777728
SCHWIMMER B., Kinship and Social Organisation. 1995-2000. https://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/anthropology/kintitle.html