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Call for participation: 9th Young Scholars Forum on Central and Southeastern Europe 2024

The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) based in Vienna, Austria, would like to raise your attention to one opportunity for young students and early-stage researchers: 

Call for participation: 9th Young Scholars Forum on Central and Southeastern Europe 2024: “Regions as Drivers of European Integration”

Organised and hosted by the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), the Forum invites young, early-stage students and researchers from across Europe to present their research, fostering transnational dialogue and cooperation across borders. Aligned with the IDM’s vision and mission of promoting democracy, freedom, and human rights through regional collaboration, the Forum aims to advance the research on European integration by examining the pivotal role of regions. Participants will engage in expert-led panels, explore themes such as decentralised governance and macro-regional strategies, and partake in a vibrant social programme, while enhancing their academic and professional networks. The first two days of the Forum will involve four thematic panels moderated by experts, the third day is designated for further exchange among participants during a thematically appropriate social programme in Vienna and Lower Austria.

- Costs for travel expenses (up to € 200,-) as well as board & accommodation will be covered by the IDM.

- Applications for participation should be submitted in English via e-mail by September 30, 2024.

- More information on the Forum and the submission process can be found on the IDM webpage: https://www.idm.at/events/call-for-participation-9th-young-scholars-forum-on-central-and-southeastern-europe-2024-regions-as-drivers-of-european-integration/

- Contact person: Daniel Martinek | d.martinek@idm.at 


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